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Technology and societal challenges, ca. 1800-2050

(publications from collaborative research programs)

Forum ‘History and Technology in an Age of Grand Challenges.’ Technology and Culture Volume 61.1 (2020), pp.260-332

Martin Emanuel, Frank Schipper, Ruth Oldenziel (eds.). A U-Turn to the Future: Sustainable Urban Mobility since 1850 (Berghahn Books 2020).

Anna Åberg and Frank Veraart (eds.), ‘Creating, Capturing and Circulating Commodities: The technology and politics of material resource flows, from the 19th century to the present’. Special section of The Extractive Industries and SocietyVol.7. nr.1 (2020): 1-67.

Kaijser, A., and J.-H. Meyer (eds). "Siting Nuclear Installations at the Border". Special issue of Journal for the History of Environment and Society 3 (2018): 1-178.

Arapostathis, S., and Peter P. J.G. Pearson (eds). “How History Matters for the Governance of Sociotechnical Transitions.” Special issue of Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions  32 (2019):1-168.

Alexander Gall, Bettina Hitzer, Martina Heßler, Karena Kalmbach, Andreas Spahn (eds). "Tech-Fear. Histories of a Multifaceted Relationship". Special issue of Technikgeschichte 86.3 (2019).

The Persistence of Technology. Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal (Bielefeld 2020).

Provokationen der Technikgeschichte. Zum Reflexionszwang historischer Forschung (Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2019).

Erik van der Vleuten, Ruth Oldenziel, Mila Davids. Engineering the future, understanding the past: a social history of technology (Amsterdam University Press, 2017). [textbook for engineering students about the history of engineers and societal challenges based on 2 decades of Tensions of Europe research]


Technology & European integration/fragmentation, 1850-2000

(publications from collaborative research programs)

Many books, articles, special issues and working papers about the role of technology in European history in the 19th and 20th century have been written as the outcome of Tensions of Europe working groups and collaborative research projects.

Synthesis phase

Palgrave Macmillan bookseries Making Europe. Technology and Transformations, 1850-2000

Vol. 1:  Ruth Oldenziel and Mikael Hard, Consumers, tinkerers, rebels: The people who shaped Europe (Houndmills, 2013)

Vol. 2: Martin Kohlrausch and Helmuth Trischler, Building Europe on expertise. Innovators, organizers, networkers (London/ New York 2014)

Vol. 3: Per Högselius, Arne Kaijser, Erik van der Vleuten, Europe’s infrastructure transition: Economy, war, nature (London/ New York 2015)

Vol. 4: Wolfram Kaiser and Johan W. Schot, Writing the rules for Europe: experts, cartels and international organizations (London/ New York 2014)

Vol. 5: Andreas Fickers and Pascal Griset, Communicating Europe: Technologies, Information, Events (London/ New York 2019)

Vol. 6: Maria Paula Diogo and Dirk van Laak, Europeans Globalizing: Mapping, Exploiting, Exchanging (London/ New York 2016)




Research phase

Badenoch, Fickers, Henrich-Franke (eds.). Airy Curtains in the European Ether. Broadcasting and the Cold War (Nomos, 2013)

Disco, Cornelis, Eda Kranakis (eds.). Cosmopolitan commons: Sharing resources and risks across borders (MIT Press, 2013).

Högselius, Per, Anique Hommels, Arne Kaijser, Erik van der Vleuten (Eds.). The making of Europe's critical infrastructure: Common connections and shared vulnerabilities (Palgrave, 2013)

Kaiserfeld, Thomas and Per Lundin (eds.), The Making of European Consumption: Facing the American Challenge (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

Kohlrausch, Martin,  Katrin Steffen,  Stefan Wiederkehr (eds), Expert Cultures in Central Eastern Europe. The Internationalization of Knowledge and the Transformation of Nation States since World War I (Osnabrück 2010).

Zachmann, Karin, and Ruth Oldenziel, eds. Cold War kitchen: Americanization, technology, and European users (MIT press, 2009).

Technology and European History bookseries (Amsterdam University Press)

Exploration phase

Schot, Johan, Thomas J. Misa (eds.) "Tensions of Europe: The role of technology in the making of Europe." History and technology 21.1 (2005).

Hard, Mikael and Thomas Misa (eds.), Urban machinery: inside modern European cities (Mit Press, 2008).

Hecht, Gabrielle (ed). Entangled Geographies: Empire and Technopolitics in the Global Cold War (MIT Press, 2011).

Sarasúa, Carmen, Peter Scholliers, and Leen van Molle (eds.). Land, shops and kitchens. Technology and the food chain in twentieth-century Europe. (Brepols 2005)

Van der Vleuten, Erik and Arne Kaijser (Eds.), Networking Europe. Transnational Infrastructures and the Shaping of Europe, 1850–2000 (Science History Publications USE, 2006)