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PostDoc position at TU Berlin (5 years)
Research Assistant (PostDoc) - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen - 2nd qualification period (Habilitation) Fakultät I – Institut für Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte / FG Technikgeschichte Reference number: I-291/20 (starting at 01/10/20 / for max. 5 years / part-time employment may be possible) Closing date for applications 03/07/2020. Working field: Cooperation in the…
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CfP, 4th Cycling Research Board Annual Meeting – “The Future, Past & Present, and Scale of Cycling”, 26-28 October 2020, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
“The Future, Past, Present, and Scale of Cycling” The Cycling Research Board (CRB) holds an annual meeting to share and discuss academic research on cycling. This year’s meeting, organized by Eindhoven University of Technology, is being paired with a Dutch cycling policy conference on Smart Cycling Futures. The CRB Annual Meeting actively seeks to bring…
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CfP, Workshop: “Making Europe through infrastructures of (in)security”, 12-13 Nov, 2020
Making Europe through infrastructures of (in)security Interdisciplinary Workshop 12-13 November 2020, University of Vienna Keynote Speakers: Prof. Claudia Aradau (King´s College London) Prof. Annalisa Pelizza (University of Bologna) Prof. Johan Schot (University of Utrecht) Organizers: Nina Klimburg-Witjes, Paul Trauttmansdorff, Pouya Sepehr (Dep. of Science and Technology Studies) Katharina T. Paul, Christian Haddad (Dep. of Political Science),…
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PhD opportunity “Anthropocene and empires: energy, environment, economy”
PhD opportunity "Anthropocene and empires: energy, environment, economy": the joint international doctoral program "Global History of Empires" (University of Turin and Higher School of Economics, St-Petersburg and Moscow) calls for a science and technology perspective. Global History of Empires is a joint doctoral program between the University of Turin (Italy) and the Higher School of Economics (Moscow and St.…
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New collaborative ToE publication: History and Technology in an Age of Grand Challenges (Technology and Culture)
Just published: Forum ‘History and Technology in an Age of Grand Challenges.’ Technology and Culture Volume 61, Number 1, January 2020, pp.260-332 In 2016 we formed a number of transnational working groups to build research agendas and networks in the context of the Tensions of Europe flagship program Technology and Societal Challenges. By early 2019…
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New publication from the ToE research network Technologies, Environment and Resources
New publication from the ToE research network Technologies, Environment and Resources: Anna Åberg and Frank Veraart (eds.), ‘Creating, Capturing and Circulating Commodities: The technology and politics of material resource flows, from the 19th century to the present’. Special section of The Extractive Industries and Society Vol.7. nr.1 (2020): 1-67. Frank Veraart, Anna Åberg, Hanna…
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PhD position on “Mining at the border: the transnational space of the Domaniale Mijn in the 19th and 20th century”
Mining at the border: the transnational space of the Domaniale Mijn in the 19th and 20th century Cluster 2: Mobility of commodities and information In cooperation with the Centre for the Social History of Limburg (SHCL) and the Centre for the Regional History of Limburg (RHCL), the Department of History in the Faculty of Arts…
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Postdoc and Two PhD Positions at Maastricht University: Oil Industry, Resource Scarcity, and Alternative Energy in the Long 1970s
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University is hiring two PhDs and one postdoc (four-year appointments) for an NWO-funded project on the history of the oil industry, resource scarcity, and alternative energy in the long 1970s. One PhD will look at the oil industry’s involvement with nuclear energy, the other solar energy.…
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ERC funded PhD position at TU Berlin on nuclear history
The Institute of History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Literature at Technical University Berlin is hiring a PhD student for an ERC funded project on nuclear history. The successful applicant is expected to explore the kind of regulatory presence international organizations came to embody in the nuclear field and the diplomatic practices that allowed organizations such as the…
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