Category Archives: Uncategorized

Positions (PhD and PostDoc) in new project “SOY STORIES”

Find 3 job announcements for the new project SOY STORIES: Connected sustainability histories and futures of the global Soyacene, a collaboration of the History Lab (TU Eindhoven), Athena Institute (VU Amsterdam), and the Soy Observatory (UFFS Brazil): 1. PhD position: “SOY STORIES: Brazilian histories and futures of soy & (un)sustainability” 2. PhD position “SOY STORIES: Dutch histories…
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Call for Papers: SHOT Early Career Group 2022 Workshop

SHOT Early Career Interest Group (ECIG) invites applications from graduate students to submit abstracts to participate in an intensive workshop at the Society for the History of Technology’s annual conference, which will be held 10-13 November 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Accepted students will be asked to submit a short paper (roughly 2500-5000 words excluding…
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Positions (Postdoc/PhD/Research assistant) at FAU

Postdoc The Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, headed by Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi, is inviting applications for the position of a Postdoc (100 %, TV-L E13) for 3 years (with the possibility of renewal). Tasks include Cooperation in the organization, preparation, and implementation of teaching and research at the Chair…
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PhD position in Gender, Technology and Medicine, at Chalmers University of Technology

The Division of Science, Technology and Society (STS) at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, is announcing a PhD student position in Gender, Technology and Medicine (full-time temporary employment for a maximum of five years). The PhD research project may be oriented towards areas such as gender, biomedical technologies and the body; gendered dimensions of…
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We express our deep shock regarding, and absolute condemnation of, the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine. We empathize with all those affected, first and foremost citizens in Ukraine. We also empathize with citizens (including colleagues) in Russia who oppose the invasion, and risk being fired and imprisoned when speaking up. In addition, as a research…
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New positions: Lecturships at the CHSTM, Manchester, UK

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) at the University of Manchester is seeking to appoint two lecturers in History of Science, Technology or Medicine: 1)      Lectureship in Global History of Science, Technology or Medicine, with expertise in colonial, postcolonial or decolonized histories of science, medicine or technology (Full-time and permanent). Closing date: 10…
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CfP: ICOHTEC 49th Symposium, 2022

ICOHTEC 49th Symposium, Ostrava 2022 (Virtual) Technology-based and Technology-generated decisions. The International Committee for the History of Technology’s 49th Symposium is hosted by the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. Since it will take place online it is scheduled in two slots: 24th – 25th September and 15th – 16th October 2022. The general theme is “Technology-based and Technology-generated decisions”. Whereas technology-based decisions have a long history, technology-generated decisions…
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Full-time PhD position in History of Science and Technology at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

The Laboratory for the History of Science and Technology (LHST) at EPFL invites applications for one full-time PhD position within the project The Internationalization of Patent Systems: From Patent Cultures to Global Intellectual Property, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Principal Investigator: Jérôme Baudry). The aim of the project is to better understand how national…
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New! SHOT 2022 prize in Race and Histories of Technology.

The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) announced the newly established (2022) inaugural prize in Race and Histories of Technology. This annual prize, awarded by the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), recognizes outstanding scholarship that explicitly explores the multiple intersections and junctures between race/ethnicity and the history of technology. The prize is…
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