Category Archives: Uncategorized

PhD studentship – Modern history, with a particular emphasis on energy, technology and the environment (Queen’s University Belfast).

Applications are open for a funded PhD studentship addressing the broad theme of modern history, with a particular emphasis on energy, technology and the environment. Potential candidates for the studentship are invited to submit research proposals of approximately 1,000 words on topics in modern history. One fully funded PhD studentship is available for a successful…
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ToE institutional partnerships

Tensions of Europe has always been an open, inclusive network, supporting early career researchers and allowing scholars to participate and join as an individual. The management committee remains convinced that this is a path to be pursued and that it is one of the strengths of our network. In order to develop its activities and…
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PhD position on Netherlands’ Globally Entangled History of Edible Oils, Eindhoven University of Technology (TUe)

Job description PhD position, full time Deadline for applications:  March 22nd 2023. Position will start September 1st 2023. Read more about the position and how to apply. The Netherlands currently has Europe´s worst performance in foreign sustainability trade-offs to least developed countries. The huge Dutch imports of raw materials and goods have had profound consequences for economic,…
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Mentorship for Early Career Scholars – First session on March 9, 2023

The Tensions of Europe network has been considering for a while how it could welcome and contribute to support early researchers (PhD students and post-doctoral researchers). It has already accomplished this over the years thanks to the early career scholars’ summer schools, organized before the ToE conferences, or through regular meetings during the course of…
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CfP: ToE remote conference “Surprising Sources” May 11, 2023

The relationship of the historians to archives and sources is unique. It has been the subject of descriptions that have become classics, such as Arlette Farge's Goût de l'archive (The Allure of the Archives, 2013, 1st ed. 1989), but also of reflections on the relationship to "new sources'', and notably digital ones (Müller and Clavert,…
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CfP: Black and Green? Towards an Environmental History of the Oil Industry Workshop, LMU Munich, 15–16 June 2023

With accusations against the international oil industry’s contribution to environmental degradation and anthropogenic climate change on the rise, oil companies have reacted by advertising their investments in renewables, pollution control, and more recently “net-zero” efforts. Among concerned publics like environmental activists, however, these counter-narratives are often perceived as “greenwashing”—i.e., superficial efforts intended to confuse rather…
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