Workshop: Getting Value or Poison? Benefit – Harm Dilemmas in Efforts to Improve Life Workshop hosted by the Center for the History of Global Development, Shanghai University Time: 29/30 April, 2018 Place: Shanghai University, Shanghai The last two centuries have seen a dramatic increase in the release of toxic substances into the environment. Though the…
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HoNEST CfP: Atoms for Peace In Europe Around the Globe
HoNEST Call for Papers: Atoms for Peace In Europe Around the Globe Conference/Workshop in Barcelona, May 28-29, 2018 This is a call for paper proposals for a conference on the Atoms for Peace era (ca. 1954-1965). The general focus of this conference is on public/society -- industry/government interactions. We are interested in papers…
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Blogpost: The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference, Athens 2017

Blog-post by Julia Erol, Germany/ Norway This year I attended the Tensions of Europe for the first time. I came to Athens because I was interested in the research that could be combined under the work theme: “across borders“. Clearly, this short blog post is not meant to fully summarize the conference, but describe some…
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Textbook: Engineering the Future, Understanding the Past. A Social History of Technology (2017)

Engineering the Future, Understanding the Past discusses the role of engineering in our age of grand challenges - by drawing lessons from the past. Since the birth of modern engineering roughly two centuries ago, technology has helped to reshape our modern world. At the same time, social challenges have shaped engineering science and practice. This…
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Job Opportunity: Full Professor History of Technology Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

The Department of Social Sciences and History at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, is seeking to fill a position of Full Professor (W 3) in History of Technology The position is to be filled as soon as possible. The successful candidate will teach History of Technology in a broad sense in all programmes taught at the…
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Conference Announcement and Call for Papers: Making It Up: Histories of Research Integrity and Fraud in Scientific Practice
We announce a conference at the Office for the History of Science, Uppsala University to take place April 12-14, 2018 on the topic of “Making It Up: Histories of Research Integrity and Fraud in Scientific Practice.” We call for papers that explore the history of research integrity and fraud, including the question of how the…
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Johan Schot Receives Honorary Degree in Lisbon. Accolade for History of Technology

Johan Schot was awarded an honorary degree by the New University of Lisbon (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) for his work in the discipline, History of Technology. He is the first in the country to receive an ‘honoris causa’ within the field. The honorary degree was presented at a special ceremony on 21 March, and recognized Johan Schot’s influential, wide-ranging and…
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SHOT Annual Meeting – Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA) 26-29 October 2017

Call for Papers and Sessions The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) is an interdisciplinary and international organization concerned not only with the history of technological devices and processes but also with technology in history and society. We explore the production, circulation, appropriation, maintenance and abandonment of technology under specific historical circumstances. And…
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