The John Scholes Prize is awarded annually to the writer of a publishable paper based on original research into any aspect of the history of transport and mobility. The prize is intended to recognise budding transport historians. It may be awarded to the writer of one outstanding article, or be divided between two or more…
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PhD in Material Social Futures: The history and future of data storage and data use
Deadline for Applications: 30th March 2018 This is a call for applications for a three year fully funded PhD studentship in the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, UK. The studentship is part of Lancaster University’s Leverhulme Doctoral Training Centre in Material Social Futures. We live in a world where technology is developing at a pace…
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Henry Ford’s early and lifelong passion for timekeepers, and the important connections between 19th-century New England watch manufacturing and 20th-century automobile mass-production, have never before been comprehensively examined. With a roster of important speakers and at the perfect venue, these themes will be developed at the September 20-22 symposium sponsored by the National Association…
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Call for Papers: Second Workshop on Scientific Archives (Washington, D.C., 13 and 14 August 2018)
Proposals are now being accepted for the Second Workshop on Scientific Archives. The aim of the workshop is to explore topics in the area of the contemporary archives of science and technology. The workshop will be held in Washington, D.C., 13 and 14 August 2018 at the Carnegie Institutions for Science. Proposals are due by…
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PhD CASE Studentship, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University.
Fully funded PhD CASE Studentship, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University Transitions in the technologies and practices of office work: Manchester’s administrative industries (1960-2017) With Manchester Museum of Science and Industry. This project investigates the relation between innovations in office technology - from filing cabinets and fax machines through to hard drives and email – and…
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InsSciDE – Inventing a shared Science Diplomacy for Europe – is launched
InsSciDE is a project funded through the European Horizon 2020 framework, under the coordination of Professor Pascal Griset, Sorbonne Université. It was launched at the National Academy of Medicine (Académie nationale de médecine), on 26th January 2018. The European Commission calls for the development of effective science diplomacy for Europe. InsSciDE responds to this call…
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Call for Papers workshop Columbia University“On the Natural History of Destruction: Technology, Politics and Material Transformation in Asia’s Long World War II”
Call for Papers: “On the Natural History of Destruction: Technology, Politics and Material Transformation in Asia’s Long World War II” Location Columbia University, Friday, October 5, 2018 Deadline for Abstract Submissions: Friday, April 6, 2018 This one-day workshop aims to illuminate the complicated relationship between political possibilities and material transformation in Asia during the catastrophe…
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Historian Jan-Pieter Smits endowed professor of Quantification of Sustainability at Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof. Jan-Pieter Smits was appointed endowed professor of Quantification of Sustainability in the School of Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He delivered his inaugural lecture ‘Measuring what matters: a long-term view of sustainability’ January 26, 2018. Economic growth does not necessarily foster sustainable development. Jan-Pieter Smits examines which indicators are needed to…
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Call for Proposals SHOT Annual Meeting 2018 – St. Louis (Missouri, USA) 11-14 October – Deadline proposals March 31
The SHOT Program Committee is pleased to issue the Call for Papers and Sessions for the SHOT 2018 Annual Meeting to be held 11-14 October, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri, US. SHOT is an interdisciplinary and international organization concerned not only with the history of technological devices and processes but also with technology in history…
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