Philippe Vonnard



Philippe Vonnard

Academic title(s)



ISCC, Paris


Visiting researcher



Visible Email Address

Short biography

After a bachelor in political sciences and a master in sport sciences, Philippe Vonnard has hold a PhD in Sport sciences and physical education (specialization: contemporary history) at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). He is currently doing a postdoc funded by the Swiss National Foundation for Sciences (SNSF) in Paris (at ISCC). He is also associate researcher at the Institut für Europäische Sportentwicklung und Freizeitforschung (IESF) at the Deutsche Sporthochschule (Cologne) where he has spent one year as visiting researcher (with a fellowship from the SNSF) from 2014 to 2015.

His work focuses principally on the history of the europeanization of football (from the 1920s to the 1970s).

He is co-founder (with Grégory Quin) of the RERIS (Réseau d’études des relations internationals sportives):

Recent publications

(book and special issue)

Vonnard P., L’Europe dans le monde du football. Genèse et formation de l’UEFA (1930-1960) (Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang, forthcoming – summer 2018)

Vonnard P., Sbetti N., Quin G. (eds.), Beyond Boycotts. Sport during the Cold War in Europe (Oldenburg: De Gruyter, 2017)

Quin G., Vonnard P. (des.), special issue: International Sport Bodies during the Cold War, sport in history 33(2017) 3.

Vonnard P., Quin G., Bancel N. (eds.), Building Europe with the Ball. Turning Points in the Europeanization of football (1905-1995) (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2016)

Berthoud J., Quin G., Vonnard P., Le football suisse. Des pionniers aux professionnels (Lausanne: PPUR, 2016)

Vonnard P., La Genèse de la coupe des clubs champions européen. Une histoire du football européen (Neuchâtel: CIES, 2012)


Role in Tensions of Europe


Research interests

Mobilty, Governance, Knowledge Networks

Additional research interests
