Helmuth Trischler



Helmuth Trischler

Academic title(s)

Prof. Dr.


Deutsches Museum


Research Institute


Head of Research


Museumsinsel 1, Munich

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Short biography

Helmuth Trischler is Head of Research at the Deutsches Museum, Munich, Professor of Modern History and History of Technology at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), and Director of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC). His main research interests cover the themes of knowledge societies and innovation cultures in international comparison; science, technology and European integration; and environmental history. He has published 6 books, 32 edited volumes and some 140 articles. He has been active in ToE early one and contributed to the Making Europe book series with the volume “Building Europe on Expertise. Innovators, Organizers, Networkers” (jointly with Martin Kohlrausch).

Recent publications

Helmuth Trischler (ed.): Anthropocene: Exploring the Future of the Age of Humans (RCC Perspectives 2013/3). Munich: Rachel Carson Center, 2013.

Martin Kohlrausch and Helmuth Trischler: Building Europe on Expertise. Innovators, Organizers, Networkers. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Clapperton C. Mavhunga and Helmuth Trischler (eds.): Energy (and) Colonialism, Energy (In)Dependence. Africa, Europe, Greenland, North America. Munich: Rachel Carson Center, 2014.

Nina Möllers, Christian Schwägerl and Helmuth Trischler (eds.): Welcome to the Anthropocene: The Earth in Our Hands. Munich: Deutsches Museum, 2014.

Ruth Oldenziel and Helmuth Trischler (eds.): Cycling and Recycling. Histories of Sustainable Practices. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2016.

Helmuth Trischler: The Anthropocene – A Challenge for the History of Science, Technology, and the Environment. In: N.T.M. – Journal of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine 24/3 (2016), 309-335.

Alexander Gall and Helmuth Trischler (eds.): Szenerien und Illusion. Geschichte, Varianten und Potenziale von Museumsdioramen. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016.

Helmuth Trischler and Donald Worster (eds.): Manufacturing landscapes: Nature and technology in environmental history. Special issue of Global Environment 10/1 (2017).

Role in Tensions of Europe


Research interests

Mobilty, Energy, Waste and Reuse, Governance, Knowledge Networks