Gisela Huerlimann



Gisela Huerlimann

Academic title(s)

Prof. Dr.


TU Dresden


Institute of History


Chair for the History of Technology and for Economic History


BZW Zellescher Weg 17

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Short biography

Gisela Huerlimann is specialized in Economic and Social History and the History of Technology and Economic History. She received her doctorate at the University of Zurich, has been a senior researcher at the Chair for the History of Technology at ETH Zurich, and, amongst else, a fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington DC, a deputy professor at TU Berlin and Karlsruhe Institue of Technology. Since 2021, she holds the Chair for the History of Technology and for Economic History at TU Dresden.

Recent publications

1.        Guex, Sébastien, Gisela Hürlimann, Matthieu Leimgruber (Hg.), Steuern und Ungleichheit / Fiscalité et inégalités (Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Band 36), Zürich: Chronos 2021.

2.        Guhl, Anton F., Gisela Hürlimann (Hg.): Inszenierte Geschichte. Medialität und Politik europäischer Hochschuljubiläen von 1850 bis heute | Staging History. Anniversaries in European Institutions of Higher Learning from 1850 to the Present (Medien der Geschichte 5). Berlin/Boston 2021.

3.        Elsig, Alexandre, Gisela Hürlimann, Sarah-Maria Schober, Isabelle Schürch (Hg.), Auf den Spuren des Nutztiers / Sur les traces des animaux de rente. Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte – Revue d’histoire, Band 2021/2.

Role in Tensions of Europe


Research interests

Migration, Health, Mobilty, Energy, Waste and Reuse, Environment, Knowledge Networks

Additional research interests

Her research and teaching interests areas refer, amongst else, to the history of mobility / mobility studies (railways, automation, planning, sustainability), migration, labour and skill, household technology, infrastructure and public enterprises, natural resources and animal studies / "animal commodity chains"