Christian Kehrt



Christian Kehrt

Academic title(s)

Prof. Dr.


Technical Univeristy Braunschweig, Historical Institute


education and humanities


chair of history of science and technology


Schleinitzstr. 13

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Short biography

Christian Kehrt is professor for the history of science and technology, at the Technical University Braunschweig, Germany. He studied history and philosophy at the universities of Tübingen and Stony Brook, NY. His PhD “Moderne Krieger. Die Technikerfahrungen deutscher Militärpiloten, 1910–1945” deals with flying experiences of military pilots in the age of the two world wars. As a postdoc he worked at the Deutsches Museum in Munich on a project on the origins of nanotechnology. In 2009/10 he was a Carson Fellow at the Rachel Center for Environment and Society. From 2010 to 2015  he held a position as a research fellow at the University of the Armed Forces at Hamburg. His research interests lie in the cultural history of science, technology and the environment, encompassing the history of aviation, the polar regions and nanotechnology.

Recent publications

Mit Molekülen spielen. Wissenskulturen der Nanotechnologie zwischen Politik und Medien. Bielefeld: transcript 2016; (mit Martina Heßler, Hg.): Die Hamburger Sturmflut 1962. Risikobewusstsein und Katastrophenschutz aus umwelt-, technik- und zeithistorischer Perspektive Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht (Juni 2014) (=Umwelt und Gesellschaft);  Gondwana’s Promises. German Geologists in Antarctica between Basic Science and Resource Exploration in the late 1970s. In: Historical Social Research 40 (2015) 2, S. 202-221; New Perspectives in Aviation History. Flight Experiences of German Military Pilots. In: Kyle Shelton, Gijs Mom, Dhan Zunino Singh, Christiane Katz (Hg.): Mobility in History, Vol. 6, Yearbook T2M, (2015) 1, S. 41-53; Schatzkammer oder Weltnaturpark? Zur Antarktispolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den langen 1970er-Jahren. In: Themenportal Europäische Geschichte (2014). (;  “The Wegener Diaries: Scientific Expeditions Into the Eternal Ice.” Digital exhibition, Environment & Society Portal (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, 2013).


Role in Tensions of Europe


Research interests

Security, Mobilty, Energy, Waste and Reuse, Environment, Knowledge Networks