Just published: Forum ‘History and Technology in an Age of Grand Challenges.’ Technology and Culture Volume 61, Number 1, January 2020, pp.260-332
In 2016 we formed a number of transnational working groups to build research agendas and networks in the context of the Tensions of Europe flagship program Technology and Societal Challenges. By early 2019 that joint effort had resulted in over two dozen workshops and conferences, in which many relevant themes were debated with an ever-increasing number of interested and engaged scholars.This forum presents an introduction to the program and tentative findings from five of these working groups.
History and Technology in an Age of “Grand Challenges”: Raising Questions
Erik van der Vleuten (guest editor)
p. 260-271
Crises and Technological Futures: Experiences, Emotion, and Action
Karena Kalmbach, Andreas Marklund, Anna Åberg
p. 272-281
Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment, and the Quest for Resource Security
Matthias Heymann, Per Högselius, Elena Kochetkova, John Martin, Ole Sparenberg, Frank Veraart, Anna Åberg
p. 282-294
The Energy Challenge in Historical Perspective
Ute Hasenöhrl, Jan-Henrik Meyer
p. 295-306
Sustainable Urban Mobility in the Present, Past, and Future
Frank Schipper, Martin Emanuel, Ruth Oldenziel
p. 307-317
Stathis Arapostathis, Léonard Laborie
p. 318-332
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